Sunday, November 19, 2017


This all started with blood a week ago - I didn't have time to post about it, but in the early hours of last Sunday morning, Mira had a doozy of a bloody nose - bad enough that we called 911. Now, it's not really so much that a bloody nose itself is cause for a 911 call. She's had them before, but this one was really running, and in order to pinch her nose to stop the continuous flow of blood, we were cutting off part of her ability to breathe, meaning her oxygen saturations were in the low 80s. In other words, not okay. And we were poised there thinking she could either stop bleeding and get better, or it will keep bleeding and her O2 could tank, so we called for help.

We and the paramedics decided to take her in a leisurely fashion in the ambulance to the ER, so Matt rode down there with her while I got the rest of the house up and off to church. I got a call from him and picked both of them up during Sunday School (nothing like a church full of people to cover for your kids while you run downtown!!)

We had no way of knowing really how much blood she had swallowed...or we were just to watch her through the week and take action if needed.

She wasn't great all week - very restless, and even more trouble voiding than usual, but nothing that really seemed more than we could continue to care for until yesterday. She had two more nasty bloody noses (not as bad as Sunday, and we'd learned some tricks to avoid some of the aspiration risk), but she didn't really recover from there, despite upping her respiratory routine from the green to the yellow zone, so last night we decided we needed to take her in, and it appeared to be at a good time.

She does have pneumonia, which they are treating with antibiotics, but had ANOTHER nose bleed this morning. Perhaps simplest is just to share Matt's most recent email:

We are not in a great place with Mira. Platelets are very low, so is hemoglobin. Just started a blood transfusion. ENT coming next to examine her nose and cauterize or pack to get this bleeding under control. She had another bleed this morning.

They are venting her stomach again and it is all blood.

Not a life and death situation, but she is not doing well at the moment.

Poor girl is in good Hands, but having a tough day.


  1. Praying for Mira!


  2. Praying for Her Sweetness! Glad they are taking it so seriously!
