Thursday, April 25, 2019

One short

Our big family reunion on Matt's Dad's side of the family is coming up this weekend. Mira, however, "decided" that she'd rather stay with her friends at Gillette than come with us. She's not terribly sick, but enough to be hospitalized.

As a point of reference for how quickly she can go downhill, she had been in to Gillette's Quick-Care clinic that morning to check on something else (her stomach contents have been just kind of off when we check through her g-tube three times a day), and she'd been just not settled and comfortable - seemingly her G-I tract is still recovering from her last round of antibiotics. But her O2 sats were great, and her lungs sounded fine. That was a 10 am visit. By supper time we knew we were heading for the ER, and, sure enough, they admitted her. She's "just" in her normal neuro-sciences ward, not the PICU this time, but that's where most of her people are, anyway.

So that means that the rest of us will be packing up for a weekend away, without our Tsvetomira.

***Post Script***

Before we left, I got to run down for the morning to visit with her, and Gloria and Evania wanted to join me.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What bathroom?

Supposedly someday we'll be able to use the bathroom we started working on nearly a year ago. Working on it just hasn't made it to the top of the list, probably since the last time I posted about it, with the exception of one coat of varnish Matt got on some trim last week.
And in the meantime we learn patience. All of us. I'm pretty confident that Bobbi would be able to use the toilet by herself if we had the new bathroom ready. As it stands now, one of us has to help her with the transfer every. single. time. Which is fine. But I know that she'll pretty quickly be able to be more independent, even in that one area, once we get it done.

Friday, April 12, 2019


Bobbi, post surgery, can STAND. This she could not do before, as everything was so out of whack that she could not balance. She still doesn't stand for long, and things like laughing can throw her completely off, but today she added new skills, like turning her head and moving her hands. It may not seem like much, but it's these kinds of things that we keep seeing every week - steady progress forward!

It's kind of hard to tell, but Lori (therapist), is not touching Bobbi at all - she's got her hand on the safety belt around Bobbi's waist, but is holding it completely slack. That's all Bobbi!