I was joking with Mira's nurse that I'm up next!
What a great way for Mira to spend her morning. Her reclining chair makes it easy to get her into this position, and with the one-on-one care from her nurse, she can be there with no concern, because her nurse can easily suction or change position when Mira coughs or has other secretion issues. She's been dealing a lot lately with holding her urine, and then being really uncomfortable (her PT showed Matt a way we can hold her over our leg to put some pressure on her bladder to stimulate it to release, and it works most of the time), but she's also retaining a lot of fluid in her feet and lower legs, particularly on the left side.
In the photo above, Mira's nurse is "milking" her feet and legs to help the reduce the pressure of the retained fluid. It works. Temporarily. But it's still better than nothing.
We're so grateful that we're able to have four mornings a week with this kind of attention for Mira!
(Still haven't touched her birthday post, but there's still a chance I'll get to it.)