Wednesday, August 21, 2013

tough week

I don't know that Matt's had as many days in a row feeling overwhelmed as he's had this week! (We're at day 3, with a few slight reprieves along the way.)

First of all, the good news is that he got the last bit of tar paper tacked down to the roof mere minutes before the sudden heavy downpour came through this afternoon. That means that the windows that were installed over the weekend are protected from the rain.
a shot of a nicely installed, flashed window on a sunnier day...

There were some leaks.

Matt was not happy about the leaks. (Can't blame him. The whole driving force in detailing a house is finding a way to keep water out and heat in!)

The positive side to getting a nice heavy downpour at this point is that we can investigate the few locations where there was water that we were not expecting when it's a LOT easier to see (and fix) what's going on than when all the siding is on.

Matt's also decided that he's not cut out for working on a 10:12 pitch (steeper rather than shallower for those of you who aren't familiar with such terms) roof. There have been a number of places along the way where we've asked God very specifically for certain things, and starting Monday night we've been asking him to take care of the shingles - whether that's through him sending someone who knows what they're doing to volunteer their time, or him providing unexpected funds to pay for it, we're not picky. But it took both Matt and Chad most of three days to get ice and water shield and tar paper on the roof. It shouldn't have to take that long. ;) (Hmmm. Notice that it was "Matt and Chad" on the roof and not me? More on that at some point, but this is a brief post...)

The kids and I started school on Monday in anticipation of Krassi coming home - figured if we started two weeks early we could take two weeks off - one to pick him up and one to adjust to life. Leah had a great day. Here she is dressed up for a "first day of 1st grade" photo.
Owen had a not-so-great day. (Ha!! That's an understatement! This week has been an overwhelming "more than you can handle" sort of week for more of us than just Matt!) But yesterday and today were MUCH better. Incredibly better. As far as school goes.

I've been vividly reminded, largely because this is what I'm living right now, that a God-glorifying life is not one that looks at life in a "if I can only get through this, then..." sort of way, but one that realizes that the only time I can live is right now in this moment, and the attitude with which I get through [whatever this is] is what really matters. I can despair, or I can trust. And not so much trust that everything will be "okay" so much as that everything will be "good". So I've been fighting to keep that primary in my mind. What a great week to practice that in. ;)


So, I quit writing so I had time to pick up my Bible, and this is where I was the last time I was in the Psalms: "But as for me, the nearness of God is my good." (73:28) Short and sweet to hold onto this week.

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