Friday, May 10, 2013

few bits about our boy

Our adoption lawyer in K's country was at his orphanage earlier this week and was able to give us a few tidbits about him. No new photos because she was there during lunch and there were other kids in the room, but still neat to hear a bit.

His baba was there with him, so she (lawyer) talked with her (baba) while she fed K. She says he has a great appetite, but doesn't like potatoes. ;)

We had also asked her to ask about his little black bear if she had a chance, and were pleased to hear that his baba said he plays with it frequently, and likes to put it in his mouth. She relayed that she's already washed little black bear a few times after he's dropped on the floor because she doesn't want him putting it in his mouth after that! So I expect to see a well-used stuffed animal when we get back. Here's another photo of our visit with K holding his bear. We have lots of these, since he spent a lot of time holding onto it.

That's about all we got. Not much. But still neat to have had someone see him in person. Our lawyer commented on how he is "very alert, very friendly, and very social." Funny how it's always nice to have someone say nice things about one of your children! I take this comment with a grain of salt, knowing that it's likely in comparison to his peers at the orphanage, and not to other almost-nine-year-old boys, but we noticed this about him when he was with his baba, too.

Really looking forward to getting him home!

Oh, also found out that the next legal happening (when the embassy reviews our file for compliance with the Hague Conventions adoption regulations) is scheduled for May 22. After that, we will get our "Article 5 letter" (which means only a little more to me than it does to you, other than it is the next thing that needs to happen!)

1 comment:

  1. doesn't like potatoes.

    What with Gwen taking after dad, we need more potato-dislikers in the family!

    scheduled for May 22

    Two days before *we* head to Bulgaria! :)
