Saturday, October 18, 2014

The miracle of "normal"

Evania continues to amaze us with her "normal-ness." After Reuben, and then Rinnah (who was mildly delayed in a number of ways for almost two years due to undiagnosed lactose-intolerance, and thus malnutrition, especially as a solely-milk fed baby), and then adopting Krassimir, having a baby who seemingly magically meets all of her developmental milestones without any intervention is nothing short of miraculous.

So, to then have her be ahead of the game is really quite incredible.

Check out what Miss 'Vania is up to these days!
She army crawls all over the place, and has been for a good six weeks. She's been doing the hands and knees thing for a few weeks, and starting this week has taken a knee-step forward while in that position. Then, two days ago, she started this!!!
Not bad for a little girly not quite six months old, huh?


  1. Oh my! She is amazing! Eva seems more active and rolly polly than Julia was too but nothing like that! What a honey bun!

  2. Go Evania!! (And thanks for posting the pictures, Gwen has been asking for them!)

    On the other hand, I *loved* it that Gwen could sit solidly by about 6 months, but didn't start crawling (army or otherwise) until about 9.5: 3.5 months where I could set her in one place and leave her for 20 min. and know she wouldn't get into trouble!
