Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Random bits

Am I allowed to post more than once a month? I sure *haven't* been.

Don't worry. This will be short.

1) Krassimir now weighs a whopping 38 lb, 15 oz!!! That puts him an ounce away from a full ten pounds up since he came home just over 16 months ago!

2) Today Krassi got his first Botox injections in his adductor muscles. Briefly, botulism toxin (bo-tox) is a neurotoxin that temporarily reduces the amount of "firing" that neurons can do in the muscles where it is injected. The effects will wear off completely in about three months, but in the meantime, he will experience some relief from the high tone he has in those inner thighs - the muscles that pulled his hips out of joint because no one ever helped him form good hip sockets in the first place, and for the first eight years of his life no one ever did any stretching or anything to help him manage his uneven muscle tone. The hope is two-fold - first, that with less to fight against, the other muscles will have a chance to work better and grow stronger, and second, that he will be more comfortable. If it works, we'll do it again in three months.

3) Tonight Krassi and I skipped our normal bedtime cuddle routine (I'll have to write more about that another time) because I was reading to Owen and Leah, but I still had him on my lap while we were doing that. This is what happened:
My sleepy oldest son fell asleep right there in my lap!!

1 comment:

  1. That means Krassi may very well have surpassed Gwen in weight! (Our scale broke before we move, so I'm not sure what she currently is, but I think it's < 17 kg).

    I have a friend who goes in for (medically-recommended, not for cosmetic reasons) botox treatments on a regular basis, and she has nothing but things to say about the results.
