Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New Wheelchair

After months of trials and waiting, and re-trials, Krassimir *finally* has his very own wheelchair!
Although it's still very hard work for him to sit upright for any duration of time, it was sweet to see his eyes light up and a big grin spread across his face when the chair was put near him on the day it was delivered. He apparently remembered the two trial runs, and was excited to get back into it. His technique is not very good yet, but he is able to do a fair amount of maneuvering with his right hand, and Lori (his PT) is going to be working with him regularly (and we will, too) on using the left hand, as well. Even if he's never really able to give a good strong push with leftie, having it at his disposal will allow him to counter the rotation that happens when you're only pushing with one hand!

Big boy. ;)

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