Saturday, August 6, 2016

The news is...

...that there's no news. Can you believe it?

In another amazing twist to this whole process, there were too many dossiers to be reviewed on Thursday that they didn't get to ours.

They're not sure if they're meeting to review more next week or not, so we're back to waiting without an end date in sight.

These pictures will soon be a year old. Wonder what they're doing right now. How has B grown and changed? Does she still think about a family? Does she think she has any chance of becoming part of one? She's got just three months before her birthday. *We* know that date is a non-issue because we've already submitted the paperwork that has to be done before her sixteenth birthday, but *she* doesn't know that.

And little T. Is she growing? Is she comfortable? Is there anyone talking to her during the day? Do any of her caregivers think about her as a potential part of a *family* and not just a task to be completed? Oh, sweet girl. How I long to stroke those cheeks and rock her in my arms.

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