Friday, February 9, 2018

50 pounds

Our Master Stacker broke 50 pounds! I know I haven't posted much about Krassimir over the past year, but he keeps on growing and developing - probably his biggest skill over this past year is a marked increase in his ability to wheel himself in his wheelchair. It's still not his preferred way to get around, but it's neat to see him gaining some independence. Our hope is that as he grows older he'll be able to spend more of his free time happily in his chair instead of only on the floor.

These days, though, he's very happy scooting around the house on the floor, and one of his favorite pass-times is collecting random items he finds on the floor and stacking them up...then dragging his creations around with him as he moves from room to room.

And, for the boy who was only 22 pounds as an eight year old, and with whom we had to fight for every ounce he gained at the beginning, hitting fifty is pretty exciting.

1 comment:

  1. I remember being really impressed at Christmas at how much his mobility has improved in the last year!
