Sunday, June 3, 2018

Friday was a big day/Mira is home

There's lots to share about Friday - we've now got a big hole behind our house, we've had our meeting with Bobbi's surgeon, and Mira came home!

This post will simply serve to let those of you who have been following her progress know that she is back home, finishing up a round of j-tube antibiotics, and with a whole round of new equipment - a bi-pap machine to use at night, and oxygen to use on an as-needed basis. We're still working on figuring out how to rearrange her corner of the dining room to make room for everything! But it's so good to have her here with us again, and after a relatively short stay. Nine days is practically nothing after some of the visits she's had there!

More to come on Bobbi and the bathroom as I'm able.


  1. SO glad to hear she's home! We'll still be praying.

    Hope the meeting with the surgeon was encouraging and I can't wait to see more about the bathroom.


  2. Reading and praying, Andrea! With love...
