Thursday, February 7, 2019

Minnesota Girl

Bobbi will tell you that she LOVES snow and LOVES cold weather. Good thing, too, because it's been snowing for the last 24 hours, and we've got a good foot of it out there, I would guess, based on what I see on top of the garbage can, and it's not going to be as cold as last week (-30 F without the windchill), but it's going to be cold enough that the public schools are starting two hours late tomorrow.

For Bobbi, that means no school tomorrow, since we pick her up for the day at 11:30 on Fridays so she can get to the pool for therapy, so there's no point in bringing here there for an hour.

And that, dear readers, is why Bobbi loves snow and cold. It means we get to stay home!!!!
This is how Bobbi looks after a day at school. (We were trying to take her passport photo in a place with even lighting...outside.)

And a nicer one after being reminded that she can't go on a trip to Bulgaria this summer without a passport!

And this one would have been just about perfect...if we hadn't forgotten that you can't have glasses on in the photo!!! Oh well. Better luck another day. Good thing we're starting months in advance.

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