As a point of reference for how quickly she can go downhill, she had been in to Gillette's Quick-Care clinic that morning to check on something else (her stomach contents have been just kind of off when we check through her g-tube three times a day), and she'd been just not settled and comfortable - seemingly her G-I tract is still recovering from her last round of antibiotics. But her O2 sats were great, and her lungs sounded fine. That was a 10 am visit. By supper time we knew we were heading for the ER, and, sure enough, they admitted her. She's "just" in her normal neuro-sciences ward, not the PICU this time, but that's where most of her people are, anyway.
So that means that the rest of us will be packing up for a weekend away, without our Tsvetomira.
***Post Script***
Before we left, I got to run down for the morning to visit with her, and Gloria and Evania wanted to join me.