Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bobbi's teacher

We had the most delightful time visiting with Bobbi's teacher - two hours on Thursday, and then she invited us to her house for tea on Friday, so another two hours. Bobbi wishes she'd talked more, and a number of other things, but overall, it was a very pleasant time, and some of the things that *were* really important to Bobbi to get to talk about we were able to do.
(I'm not really angry at whatever Boriana is saying here!)
(Really fun restaurant, too, built by a local guy who as a hobby makes these very interesting buildings from rock and whole tree trunks. I'll post some photos of another house he's building that we stopped at. In the meantime, here's another shot of the restaurant from the street, which I post mostly in case there are any other families who have adopted from Pleven reading this, because you may recognize this from your drive there from Sofia!)
These bathrooms were so cute! The doors are so short! (Not sure if any of you have had experience with "squatty potties" before??? Besides Dondi...)
Pretty courtyard where we ate. Not nearly as many mosquitoes as there are back in MN, where we joke that they're our state bird!

It looks like a castle on the outside!
When we went to her home, we parked around the corner, and Bobbi got to use her walker to walk herself down to her teacher's house. This is the first time I've been inside someone's house when I've been in Bulgaria. Her house is small (she inherited it from her grandparents), but it's fresh and tidy and comfortable and inviting.
One last hug goodbye - SO hard for Bobbi to leave, but it was so good to give her a chance to get back here.

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