Thursday, January 16, 2020

Nine months and counting without a pneumonia-related hospital stay

Mira still hasn't been hospitalized for pneumonia since last May! Yay! Earlier this week she went in for a short out-patient procedure to have her ears cleaned (TONS of wax!) and to have new tubes put in her ears. She handles being put under so well, and came home without any complications, good girl, AND with a new blanket!
 Yes. There really is a little girl under there! And, yes, she really has all the access she needs for breathing (see the photo below) but since it's been plenty cold up here in Minnesota and she doesn't wear a coat, lots of blankets and warm rice socks is her way to go.


  1. She likes so calm, relaxed and comfortable. What a difference!

  2. So happy that it's been that long! Mira looks so cozy - that blanket is lovely and, I'm betting it's as warm as it looks.


  3. She looks like a teenager in the face!
