Thursday, July 2, 2020

Pneumonia (?)

Just heard from Matt - Mira's COVID came back negative (which we expected), but she does have a not-so-bad pneumonia that they're going to admit her to the hospital to treat.

After over two years of counting the weeks between hospital stays for pneumonia, this is the first time in fourteen months that she's been in for it. Hard to complain about that! Funny thing - one of the biggest reasons we're glad it's not COVID is that Gillette is not taking any COVID patients, so if she DID have it, she'd have to be a hospital where no one knows her. At Gillette, she'll be familiar, which is really a good thing when you've got a complex medical condition!


  1. Praying for her! So thankful it's not COVID!

  2. Glad to hear it's not Covid! Hope she beats the pneumonia and is back home soon.

  3. So thankful it's not Covid! Prayers for a speedy recovery and comfort for all.
