Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Bobbi's birthday

 She's no longer a teenager! And we will never again have *five* teenagers in the house at one time. Bobbi is officially 20 years old.

Although we did not have the big party that's always meant so much to her in the past, we had just a nice pleasant day with a variety of little things that she appreciated fully, which in itself is a testament to some of the growing up that she'd done.

It's a day off school! (End of quarter)

She and Dad went out for dinner at the place they've gone for three birthdays in a row now.

She baked brownies to share with her physical therapist (whose birthday is the day after hers).

She helped bake a cake (chocolate-coffee layer cake with coffee buttercream frosting, bananas in between the layers, and Reese's peanut butter cups chopped on top) which we ate with ice cream after she and Dad got back from their supper.

She got not a lot of presents, but I don't think I've ever seen her as genuinely happy about the gifts she got than she has this year. In (roughly) her words, they're all things that she's going to use and they won't just sit on her shelf! 

Her favorite gift was a HUGE set of nice colored pencils from Grandma and Grandpa F. Now she has every color she could possible need.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Bobbi!! Those pencils look amazing, Gwen would be very jealous. :)
