Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I've mentioned how there are many times when it's hard to read Krassi's emotions, either because the degree is his response is seemingly inappropriate, or simply because his whimpering or laughter come at odd junctions to each other, or in unusual situations. But some responses are pretty straightforward.

Krassi LOVES it when people around him are laughing. There were a few times over the course of yesterday when all of us around him were laughing - big, deep, belly laughs - and it is such a delight to see the pleasure that he gets from hearing that sound. He laughs right along with us, not knowing why we're laughing, but knowing that sound is a good sound and knowing he wants to be a part of it.

He also continues to love his Grandma (Matt's mom who will be moving in with us as soon as we get her space in the addition completed, and who we see six days of the week.) Without fail, every time he sees her, or even hears her voice, he is all smiles and giggles.

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