Thursday, April 27, 2017

Daddy: Surgeon

One thing we certainly don't need around here is more stuff. But, since children don't count as "stuff" we decided to go ahead and get both Leah and Rinnah a new doll...with a hard we could do g-tube surgery!

Oh, the joy of those last days before the package arrived in the mail! Both girls (and Evania) were gathering their supplies, packing their bags for their international "flight," and then spent a whole day pretending to be in-country driving to pick up their new babies. (We're dismissing the small detail that international adoption and newborn adoption just don't go together.)

Soon after arriving "home," both girls' new daughters were hospitalized and scheduled for surgery. Surgeon Dad, masked and ready, prepared just the right size drill bit.
 Nurse Mom made the mark for the incision, and away we went.
 At this hospital, not only does Mom get to watch the surgical procedure, but she also gets to be the one to fill the balloon.
 Here's Rinnah with her friend Hope giving Rinnah's baby her first feeding post-surgery.
 And Leah with her baby Irina, carefully turning the mic-key button so it heals properly.


  1. That is awesome.


  2. The right baby doll makes all the difference in the world as to whether or not children will keep playing with them after the novelty wears off. These darling Berenguers are super sweet!

    I sew and made my daughter some accessories: diapers, wipe case w/wipes, and bibs.

    Here's a tutorial, but if you look on Etsy, you can get more ideas using pretty fabric:

    I also love these baby doll carrier beds that can be sewn:

  3. Oh my, those diapers! I'll have to see if Leah wants to help me make some! The girls would love them.
