Monday, April 16, 2018


One of the factors influencing when the bathroom project happens is funding, and just this morning, two weeks before Mira's current yearly grant amount (all four of our kids with disabilities get a varying degree of funding on a yearly basis that we can access for disability specific needs that are not covered by insurance - one of the benefits of living in one of the best states for people with disabilities, and one of the best counties within that state!) we learned that they have approved our proposal for the bathroom and have released the funds that have been pending on all four grant plans!!!

This is tremendous news! In order to make the project affordable, we're doing the work ourselves, but knowing that we can, according to what we have figured, have all of the material costs covered, is a huge deal!

And, honestly, although I'm a little apprehensive about tackling a big project knowing how busy we are already, I also know that we made it through the whole BIG addition a few years ago, so in perspective, *just* a bathroom isn't that big. ;) And, unlike the large addition project we were working on when Krassi came home and Grandma moved in, we now know that the money side of things is completely covered.

Yay! We now have two weeks to spend about one third of the projected cost of the project in order to get it reimbursed before Mira's grant year expires and any unused funds roll back.

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