Tuesday, September 25, 2018

senior photo preview

With Bobbi a senior this year, we get another first - senior pictures! The architect Matt works with on a contract basis also does photography, so was a natural choice for someone to do her photos. We looked through some of his examples to see what she was most interested in, and she was always attracted to the outdoor shots. Matt found this park just a few miles from our house, and it ended up being a fantastic backdrop for some neat shots!

We'll get to see the "real" photos at the end of the week, but in the meantime, here are some shots Matt took on his phone of the photo session!

Yes, that's a new haircut.
 And, the really cool part is that Michael's going to do one of his composite shots, inserting Bobbi as a character in a Harry Potter-esque setting, so she picked out some clothes that give a nod to the Hogwarts uniforms (one of Daddy's dress shirts, an old tie of Matt's Dad's, and then we went out shopping for the black sweater vest, and the new black hoodie was a spur of the moment clearance item that I think she'll end up wearing every day!) The composite won't be done until November, but we're pretty excited to see what he comes up with!


  1. LOVE the haircut. She looks phenomenal.

  2. Love the way you guys appreciate what's unique and treasured in your children. I feel blessed to learn from you. Congratulate your beautiful daughter for me, please.♡♡ Brett Butler
