Friday, January 25, 2019

Rehab continues

Am I delinquent or what?? I have three posts in draft mode that I'd forgotten I hadn't finished up! Here's the oldest one from a week ago.

Bobbi's still going back to Gillette twice a week to work in the robot. How does she like the robot? Well, she hates it. ;) It's not very comfortable to be all squeezed into that machine! But, according to the readout (shown above), she is doing increasingly more of the work and weight bearing herself. It's working!! It's a very slow process, but we're continuing to see incremental, but measureable progress.


  1. Robot? Looks more like a transformer! Are you sure she isn't really a super hero in disguise?! :)

    1. She does like superheros so you may be on to something.
