Monday, August 26, 2019


When I began this blog over six years ago, I never anticipated I'd have a post with that title, nor how very excited I would be about it!

Here, at long last, is the toilet. The same old toilet that's been in this house since pretty much forever, but in a wonderful new location.

And remember, I said the off-center shelf would make more sense compositionally once it was all in place.
We haven't tried yet, but theoretically, Bobbi should be able to use this all by herself!! It might take a week or two of practice (and it will be nice when the old bathroom tile is pulled out so there isn't a gap in between the old and the new), but now at least she can *start* practicing!!

In the long term, this bathroom will have great benefits for Reuben, Krassi, and Mira (and us in caring for them), but in the immediate, it's Bobbi who will experience the greatest change.

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