Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Translation **WITH CORRECTION!!!**

One of my favorite photos from our trip:
Sometimes a native English speaker would be useful before you print your ad...

This is a real thing. We, apparently, don't do much research into what we feed our pets, but here you go: BARFWorld! (Thank you to a reader who pointed this out in their comment.)

But still, this was a new vocabulary word for Bobbi. Funny how many English words she does know, and most of the time when I ask her if she knows a certain word, she absolutely does, but this variation was new to her. I'm guessing that if I'd seen this in an English-speaking country, I would have reacted differently. When you're spending days somewhere with a foreign language and foreign alphabet, the words that ARE in your own language jump out at you!😉


  1. HAAAA Looks like dual purpose dog/cat food? Either way. Priceless.

  2. Believe me or not but actually ad is correct :) BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and is a way of feeding pets ;)
