Sunday, February 23, 2020

A different kind of "poison"

Tonight was the night for disgusting bodily fluids. Ebs started it. He will sometimes gag easily, and can cough until he vomits. (I'm realizing this is enough of a pattern that I'll be mentioning it to his doctor, but in the meantime...) So we stripped him quickly, and because it was small and in an out of the way place, left it for later while I picked up other things on the way to getting little people to bed.

Next was Reuben. With the new tube feeding, sometimes we get the quantity or the pump rate off and he vomits at the end of one of his "meals." We're definitely getting better at it, but have had some doozies. Today's came while he was curled up on the comfy oversized upholstered chair in the dining room. What. A. Mess. All over him, his clothes, the blanket on his lap, the iPad, his Bible, and pools of it running down between the arm and the cushion of the chair. Dis Gus Ting. So I cleaned him off well enough that we could keep moving people to bed, and by the time I got back downstairs Matt was home from picking up Bobbi and Leah and was already working on disassembling the chair (we removed the dust cover from the underside and tossed it - he said it was working like a coffee filter with all of the fatty solids pooling and the water dripping through onto the wood floor.) I went out into the living room (yay, concrete floors!) and cleaned up Eben's little spot, and then came to help Matt with the scrubbing in prep for laundry. Because this high fat diet does NOT wash out nicely when it is vomited back up!

Just as we were getting that under control, Mira, sitting up in her chair, started getting a little agitated. So Matt washed up his hands from the last bit of the vomit, picked her up to move her back to her cushion, and ... ewwwww......... His hand was covered with dark, slimy poop. And the odor. Too bad (well, not too bad for you!) you can't do scratch and sniff on a blog! Poison is too gentle a word for the smells that girl can produce, and this one was one of her finest. It's, of course, not confined to the diaper, but squirting out the sides and up the back onto her shirt. Her chair, even with the chux pad under her, had a pool of poop and the cover going up the back was also nearly saturated. I got the job of the chair and Matt got the girl. So I spent the next half hour scrubbing out the chair cover, her shirt, and then fatty vomit out of blankets, Reuben's shirt, the towels I used to clean him up, and then Eb's stuff which was nothing after that.

Finally get it all in the wash and then time to tuck the big kids into bed (and tell all of you about it!) and that was our evening! Phew.

Oh. I forgot to mention that Reuben kicked over his Sunday evening urine sample, so I got to clean that up off the bathroom floor as well. I guess that's nothing compared to everything else. ;)

As Bobbi came through the (foul smelling) room on her way to get ready for bed, we (jokingly, because it's not usually an issue for her!) asked her to make sure she made it to the toilet! (She did.)

Just a little taste of the exciting life we live over here! (And that was just the last four hours! It doesn't cover Reuben's vomit from yesterday, the cat peeing in the corner of the dining room, or a variety of other exciting events of the weekend.)