Saturday, February 1, 2020

Home on Feb 1?

Everyone here knows that our big big goal is to get me and Reuben home today and not have to wait until Sunday.

Matt messaged me yesterday with this photo saying, "Tell them you ARE coming home [Saturday]."
Thank you, Eben. If you look close you can see that he's sampled pretty much every slice.
Saturday (today) also happens to be our first-born, Owen's, 15th birthday! Especially when you consider that I've already been staying in the hospital with one of his siblings for a g-tube placement surgery (among other things) over his birthday three years ago, it would be really nice to be able to come HOME for this one!

Reuben is tolerating what they're putting through his g-tube very nicely. They're now working up to larger and larger bolus feeds every few hours of the keto formula aiming for 240 ml in an hour and then from that side we're clear to go home.
He's still mostly non communicative, but looks overall MUCH better than yesterday. We couldn't really see a difference before and after surgery, but he looked just horrible yesterday.


  1. Reuben looks so much better just in the photos! Better color, etc. Did you make it home? I hope so!

    Happy Birthday to Owen! I hope he had a lovely day.

    Continuing prayers,

  2. God bless this dear young man and his family. We met you at the top of the slide at splash pad in wsp summer before last?

  3. I missed the flurry of updates as they happened in real time! I hope he's home and settling in by now.

    And, wow, does he look like Owen -- grown up, chillin' -- in that photo. Let's hope this next stage is a good one.
