Monday, January 4, 2021

My artistic girls

 Bobbi keeps working away at her coloring, and continues to grow in her confidence AND her ability to express pride in a job well done. 

This is her most recent project, again, colored on someone else's drawing:

I don't have the best camera, but I think the photo captures most of it - dramatic color choices, contrasts, dramatic lighting effectively rendered. Pretty neat!

She and Leah and I were chatting in Bobbi's room for a few minutes before Leah headed off to bed. We'd taken Christmas break to purge/clean/tidy the whole house (and got about a third of the way there - still better than nothing!) and in Leah's room that included purchasing herself a new bookshelf, and then discovering that she also enjoys the medium of color, just with books (and blankets) and not pencils!

She says some of the series/sets of books that she has are broken up, but she doesn't mind. :) What interesting, unique daughters I have!

And since I'm sharing artwork, here's something of Leah's that she did recently that she was pretty proud of as well. She's been developing her skills, doing a lot of drawing from a model (usually a photo of something she's found on the internet, or an old picture around the house), and this one, drawn from her own imagination, was a departure for her in that way as well. I think it's pretty effective!

They're talking now that Leah needs to draw something and then pass it on to Bobbi to color. I hope it turns into something - I think the two of them could jointly produce some pretty fantastic work!

(And I finally shortened, and posted, Mira's birthday post. Not much, but it's there if you're interested.)


  1. Love, love, love!! :) What a joy it is to see creativity coming out in each child in a different way. God's handiwork looks so different in all areas of the world, so we should expect it'll come out in each different child in a unique way, too!

  2. Oh, that portrait of Leah's is amazing! I love it.
