Friday, January 29, 2021

One more anniversary

Yesterday marked four years since the girls landed on US soil and came home for the first time. In past years, we've celebrated with Bobbi's choice of dinner and dessert, but this year what she wanted to do was go shopping with me at Goodwill! :) Done.

Even without the benefit of changing rooms, she came home with two pairs of cool jeans, and four shirts, of which only ONE item needs to go back because it doesn't fit quite right! She's enjoying the benefits of having a job with regular income. 

I remember our first trip to Goodwill after she came home, during which she picked out four hoodie sweatshirts. That was a HARD shopping trip! We were still heavily dependent on google translate...and Goodwill does not have free wi-fi and we don't have data on our phones, so we were working without any assistance! She's since passed on all four of the shirts she picked out that day - the MN Vikings one because she hates football (and hated people asking her about it!) and the one from a neighboring high school (which also raised conversation-starter questions that she didn't want to field: "No, I don't go to Hastings, and don't know anyone who does!") and the green one that she loved is just a little bit too small. 

Four years with those girls. For Bobbi, she's now spent 20% of her life with her family. We've got a long way to go to even break even! But every day, month, year keeps building, and today it was fun to hear her, after we picked her up from work, say she was looking forward to spending the evening at "home sweet home." Granted, she was in a bit of a goofy mood, but it was still delightful to hear those words come out of her mouth!

We picked out ice cream in Mira's honor, so we still had a special treat. :)

Finally resting peacefully after a 2 hour run with heart rate in the 150s and two doses of valium to help her calm down


  1. Has it only been four years?! I remember being sad that they missed our Christmas visit by such a short margin, but that means we've only had Christmas 2017, 2018, and 2019, plus Gwen's and my visit in April 2018. I feel like we've met and known both girls for far longer!

  2. Mira has gorgeous hair! That braid is so beautiful.

    Happy homecoming anniversary, Bobbi and Mira!

