Monday, April 14, 2014

Waiting and painting

Still no baby, but since my mom decided to come up Sunday anyway, we DID get some painting done today! Just primer, but primer in Matt's mom's bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, and hall closet, so tomorrow all of those rooms will be ready for the first coat of real color! (Or it will be Baby's birthday. I'm not sure what I think about Tax Day for a birthday, but thankfully I don't have to choose.) (And, by the way, there are no impending signs of Baby coming. Though with my mom in town, Matt and I did get to go out for our "last time before the baby comes" date night, which we've done before every other birth, but didn't know if we'd get to this time! We had dinner and went to Home Depot to buy tile. ;) Totally our kind of date.)

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