Sunday, April 6, 2014

weight stat

I had the "opportunity" to get a good precise weight on Krassi yesterday, and looks like he's solidly done losing weight, as we got 33 lb, 6 oz on him yesterday! Yes, he was wearing his braces and a bigger sweatshirt, but even that puts him at likely a pound up from just over a month ago.

After mild complaints on Friday, Leah woke up Saturday with a throat so sore she wouldn't eat or drink anything. She wasn't running a temp, but we had her checked for strep anyway (thus the opportunity to weigh Krassi on a scale more precise than the one we have at home), and, guess what - she's got it! Which left me the rest of the afternoon wondering if *my* increasingly sore throat was heading that way, too. So I took a quick trip out for a strep test at the Target clinic. The rapid test came back negative, much to my surprise. We won't hear about the longer culture until Monday, but I woke this morning feeling slightly better, whereas if it was strep, I'm nearly certain I would be feeling worse.

God, in his incredible mercy, has kept me well through a three-week stretch where Owen, Leah, Reuben, and Matt have all been sick - vomiting, no appetite, crazy high fevers, now strep, and I've made it through clear so far.

I am going to set a personal record, though, for "most weeks of church missed in a row" I do believe! Three weeks ago I was home because Leah had thrown up the night before. Last week Owen was throwing up Saturday night. Today Leah's strep is still contagious, so no church for her, and depending on when this baby arrives, I could likely miss next week, too! That leaves Easter Sunday, followed by our yearly family reunion on Matt's side, which will be another miss. This is getting kind of old! ;) So maybe Baby will come early enough this week that I'll be up for a trip out next Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. keep washing your hands! Twice through the alphabet song (or happy birthday, if you prefer) with hot soapy water. Cannot believe the crud that I didn't get - I credit handwashing.
