Monday, January 9, 2017


We're going to be traveling to Bulgaria in eleven days with an empty suitcase (and a number of full ones, too). Bogomila, being in a group home instead of an orphanage, has some personal belongings - clothes, some stuffed animals and small keepsakes from outings she's been on - that she will get to bring along with her when she moves to her new home. That suitcase won't be empty on the way home, but I'd love to have it full on the way there, too.

I asked the director of Tsvetomira's orphanage if there's anything useful that we could bring from the States to fill that empty suitcase. Most things that the orphanage needs are things that are much cheaper to purchase in Bulgaria (like diapers), so sending money is more effective than diapers, and some things (like foods and medicines) can NOT be used by the orphanage if they do not come through standard pre-approved venues. But footie pajamas are something that ARE greatly appreciated, and not as easy to get in Bulgaria.

Owen and I were at Target tonight and saw that fleece footie pajamas are on clearance (2 for $11.88 at our store!) so we picked up a few pairs! My mom is going to be checking out the Goodwill near her house for gently used pairs.

We have already been so well supplied for this venture; if there are any of you reading this who would like to pitch in something that will benefit the children who are NOT coming home for families, this is a small, but practical way that you can do something.

Wouldn't it be neat to travel with our extra suitcase full to the brim with pajamas!!!
Everything looks bleak in March, but this building (the orphanage from the back side), even with new windows, is not a cozy place. Let's warm it up from the inside!
We leave on the 20th, and will be packing in the days before that. If this is something that you'd like to do and you live close to me, just bring them over! If you live close to my parents, they can drive them up when they come (not sure what day they're leaving, but you can ask them.) I'll try to keep a running count of how many pairs we've got. (Wonder if there's a sidebar widget for that? Wonder if I have time to look for one? 😛)

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