Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rock photo

I don't have much to say, but liked this photo and wanted a chance to share it.
I can't remember if I mentioned that our framer was on vacation last week, so not much happened on the house, and we knew that was what was going to happen. But Matt worked the one day moving rock with Chad, and then the next day (pictured above) moved rock with our graduate school friend, Luke. (Fun tidbit - Luke lived with us for about a year and a half at the end and after grad school - and in the very room that K will have!) Luke was one of our unexpected visitors I wrote about here, and his offer of help turned into a nearly full day of lugging tons (literally, I'm sure) of rock into our stockpile. Nice to have that job done! The hat is so "Luke." ;)

And since I'm sitting here, here's another cute photo of our kids and Chad's kids on the day Chad helped Matt with the rock. I tell you, since there aren't any stairs into (or out of!) the new basement yet, it makes a great large-scale play pen! Here's the regular crew around here sitting on the curb in the new mechanical room that abuts and supports the footing of the west wall of the existing foundation.
Ages 8, 7, 6, (almost) 5, 4, and 2

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