Monday, July 22, 2013

9 days

I'd heard a rumor the the courts in K's country take a summer break. So I checked it out with our lawyer/agency person in his country and got our reply this morning.

The courts' last day is July 31st, and they do not resume until September 15th.

We also got news in that same email that we got our MOJ signature last Friday, which puts our dossier into the court system, but we have no way of knowing if our case will 1) even get assigned a court date before they go on break or 2) if that date will be before or after the break.

Knowing that it takes ~4 weeks (more or less) after a successful court hearing before we can travel to get K, this means that we could either be able to bring him home sometime in late August or early September (which falls within the typical "4-5 months from first travel" time frame) that we've been planning on, OR, it might not be until mid-late October.

In 9 days we'll know if we're waiting shorter or longer.

My heart aches every day wanting to have our little boy home with his family instead of alone in an orphanage. I don't want him to go one day longer than he has to being unloved and unwanted. But because even the courts in Eastern Europe are under the hand of God, I know K won't come home one day later (or sooner) than he ought to.

Part of me wants to ask all of you to pray that we would get through court before the break. But I can't bring myself to do that, because I know that what *I* think I want is not really what I want if it is not what God wants. And who can know the mind of the Lord - there is so much more happening here than the little part that impacts me. But I can ask that you pray that God would show himself to be merciful to all involved - to the little boy who's waiting without even knowing what he's waiting for, to the "baba" there who loves him and will miss him when he's gone, but who so very much wants him to have a family, and for us, here, that we would be steadfast in our confidence in the God we are following through all of this.

"Once God has spoken;
Twice I have heard this:
That power belongs to God;
And lovingkindness is Yours, O Lord..."
Psalm 62:11-12a

If he is powerful and full of lovingkindness (and I know he is!!!), I know K will come home at just the right time.

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