Thursday, March 14, 2013

A new photo!

This is purely coincidental (and at the same time, not at all coincidental - none of the happenings of the last months can be attributed to coincidence!), but a mom I know who has adopted from K's orphanage, and is a few months ahead of us in their second adoption from there happened to email this morning seeing how things were going (she didn't have my blog address yet) and forwarded on to us a new photo of K! Another adoptive family had shared some photos with her a while back, and she had forgotten to send it along to me until now - what a great day to get another view of our boy. In her words, "it makes me happy and sad at the same time." This is very much how I feel when I see his photo - so sad to see how this little boy has been neglected, and so happy to get another glimpse into the boy that we're hoping will soon be ours! It gave my heart a thrill as when I looked at this photo, I "recognized" him, not just because I've seen photos of him before, but there was a "that's my boy!" connection. I don't just know the picture, but I know that look on his face.

And in not much more than a week I will see that face with my own eyes, and he will see his mommy and daddy's faces for the first time in his life.

So much more to say, and so little time to do it, so I'll just end with the photo. This blog has been greatly lacking in photos lately. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can see why you recognize him. He really does look a lot like both Owen and Reu.
