Thursday, May 12, 2016

Last prints done

Monday at noon was our appointment to get our last set of fingerprints - this one for our USCIS application. Grandma's appointment was at noon on Tuesday. Go figure. ;)

However, we decided to take our chances, and just bring Grandma along with us to our appointment on the outside chance that they would do hers that day, too.

Last time we had our USCIS biometrics appointment we made the (wrong) assumption that the University Ave. address was near the capital and other government buildings downtown. Um, nope! But we ended up finding it in time for our appointment. This time we were better prepared. After all, we knew where the building was because we'd been there before, right? Um, nope!!! Turns out their office moved locations (just slightly) just after we had our biometrics done for Krassi.

Even with that hiccup, we arrived in plenty of time for our appointment and were delighted when the security guard/traffic controller waved Barb on in when we asked if we could get hers done at the same time. Phew.

And then hiccup number two - nowhere on the informational form that tells you what you need to bring to the appointment does it mention your social security number, and although Matt and I have ours memorized, Grandma most certainly does NOT!

Thankfully we had our archaic cell phone along, so could call home, and talk Owen through how to find the key to the lockbox, guide him to the correct lockbox, and talk him through how to find the place within the lockbox where Grandma's card is kept. Got it! - he reads off the number, and I'm copying it down on a piece of scrap paper in the car (no cell phones allowed in the building). Just as I get ready to read it back to him, I hear, "Oh! That's Papa's card!" He he! Good thing he caught that! No good trying to do things with the Department of Homeland Security with someone else's Social Security number!

And even with all that we were back home in less than an hour to relieve our babysitters, to whom we were very grateful for their help!

B and T, we're working on it! We're on our way, even though you don't know it yet!

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