Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wait for it...

We really need a new header for this blog, especially considering that Gloria is not only not pictured in the one we have now, but she's actually already older now than Evania was when that picture was taken!

This, however, does not pass muster, so we'll just have to wait for another night. No, this is not the best photo of the night, but it's also not the worst, either, believe it or not!

But that's not really why I'm taking the time to post tonight (posts with photos are just more fun!)

The REAL reason is that...we've gotten our I800A approval letter from the USCIS!!!

Over the next week we've now got a few papers to get notarized, and then the whole bundle to run down to the State Department to get appostilled, and then we can send the whole thing (our dossier) to our primary agency who will send it to Bulgaria!

That puts us here on the time line:

  • we've submitted our commitment documents, and they've been accepted.
  • we're well on our way to having our home study completed - just waiting on background checks to be returned - everything else is done
  • we have the completed home study, and have submitted it with our I800-A application to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services)
  • we have approval on our I800-A, so now we can submit that along with the rest of our dossier (fancy name for all of the documents we need to collect and send) to the Bulgarian Minister of Justice
  • when our dossier is approved by the MOJ, we will receive our invitation to travel for trip #1 (this is the point at which B will be informed that she has an interested family) 
  •  after trip #1 we can submit our I800 to USCIS, and upon approval of that, we can send final documents to Bulgaria to allow them to finalize the adoptions
  • once the adoptions are finalized, we will be given travel dates for trip #2 when we get to go pick up our girls and bring them home

1 comment:

  1. Ok I LOVE the look on Rinnah's face with her hands on her head like that. It's like an exasperated mom look (can you relate??).

    Congrats on the approval. So exciting to be just that much closer!!
