Monday, February 6, 2017


As I start typing this, Mira and I are waiting in a room down on the third floor. She was supposed to begin at 10:30, but a variety of factors (most importantly, her surgeon himself being delayed at another hospital) means that we are just sitting down here.
Because her hands are so much more relaxed this week, holding hands with her is possible in a way it never was before.
She is so incredibly relaxed and peaceful. She's had so many new people, new voices, including a fair number of male voices (which two weeks ago were frightening to her as it took her longer to be comfortable with Grandpa and Adam's voices) and though she's often alert and attentive to what's going on, we rarely hear her cry anymore.
I've paused since starting to type this, and gotten suited up so I can go back with her to go to sleep.
Witness the first selfie I've ever taken with my cell phone.
And with that, she's off for surgery! I'm finishing up a quick lunch in the Ronald McDonald house (right here within Gillette) and will then scurry back down to the waiting room so I'm ready to be with her when she wakes up.
Should be the last photo I have to share of my girl with stuff all over her face!


  1. This pictures of you (in this post, and from the trip) are SO WEIRD to see, because YOU LOOK SO MUCH LIKE ME.
