Monday, May 22, 2017

The next day

I haven't been down to the hospital all day, as I've been busy single parenting with one five-passenger vehicle. That makes me not very mobile!

Thanks to four different friends, I was able to successfully get Grandma to her routine doctor's appointment this morning, a bag of necessities to Matt at the hospital, Bogomila and Reuben to their afternoon therapy appointments, and three of our six 4H members...and two neighbor kids to their meeting this evening. Owen made supper, and we even got some home schooling done.

Matt did not get any work done on his big deadline for Wednesday, or the handful of other projects wanting his attention.

BUT, Mira is doing progressively better. Here's a photo from this morning:

She looks SO much more relaxed, and not all red and swollen any more.

And around supper time tonight, they weaned her off of the tube, and took her off the meds they were using to sedate her, and Matt reported she did beautifully with the transition. Now she's back to the oxygen, but mostly just maintenance from what I understand from Matt.


I am here now with her, and Matt is home with the others. The hope is that with some help from friends, we'll be able to get to the morning (Krassimir) and afternoon (Bogomila and Reuben) therapy appointments that are on the normal schedule, and get Matt some solid time at his desk to work. The deadline was already a nearly hopeless task as it was; losing a day of work pretty much guarantees it won't get done. But it will be good for him to try. And although my heart is heavy leaving my eight at home, walking into Mira's room here and stroking her hair and kissing her cheek - I know this is a good place for me to be right now.

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