Sunday, December 16, 2018

Day at home

I'm beat, but just briefly wanted to share - it was SO good having Bobbi home for a longer stint. There's still a lot that she needs help with that she used to be able to do by herself, but getting through the weekend gives me the sense that we'll be able to manage when she gets back for good on Thursday. Besides, we just all really miss her when she's not here!

The bath was a success. It takes me and Daddy to lift her in instead of just me like it's been for the nearly two years since she came home, but we have some creative ways to manage that. Along those lines, Matt thinks that the week of Christmas he might actually have some time to work on that new bathroom!!! Crazy.
Foozie, the cat, is glad to have Bobbi back.
And Eben and Bobbi are starting to have quite the thing going. Pretty sweet. ;)
 By the way, it says as much about Krassi as it does about Eben, but when I put Ebs into Krassi's eating chair while I'm working in the kitchen (for a change of scenery for Eben), I don't have to adjust the strap around the waist.
It works equally well for my fourteen year old son as it does for my not-quite-five-month old pork-muffin. We stood that little man on the table after supper tonight and all delightedly laughed looking at the fat pockets on his knees, the dimples on the backs of his thighs...

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