Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Rehab: Day...I don't know - what day is it??

This is brief, because I've got a bit to do to help Mira settled in for bed - single-parenting these nine is keeping me busy!

BUT, I do want to share a photo that Matt took this morning.
Look who's walking in the pool!! Slow, small steps, and up to her neck in water, but she was walking. First steps since the surgery.

And, as I was looking at Matt's photos to grab that one, I saw two more that he must have taken during her afternoon session:. First, here she is on a sort of bicycle type machine that alternately flexes her legs to varying degrees as the therapist sets it.
 And back again at the parallel bars, but this time, from what I remember Matt telling me, with no KIs!! (knee immobilizers) It was just for a few minutes, but that's a big step forward.
Regardless, during their weekly Tuesday meeting, the team working with Bobbi has set us a tentative discharge date...of...December 20th. That's still sixteen more days!!! We knew this was a big deal surgery, but what we knew was six weeks immobilized in a casts, and then lots of therapy. We did NOT know until after the surgery that inpatient rehab for a week or two was a possibility. Okay. That's all good. We also did not know that six weeks in casts could be six to eight weeks (though those last two weeks went SO much better than we'd originally thought when we learned at five weeks that we were not nearing the end). And it wasn't until today that we learned that the one to two week rehab stay might actually be a four week stay!

But, after all that, Bobbi's going to get her wish of being in the hospital over the Christmas season! When Mira was in over her birthday and all of December and Christmas last year, she was visited by Santa a number of times. We "knew" (ha ha, what we know!) that Bobbi's surgery was going to be in the summer, so neither over her birthday OR Christmas. But here, on one of her first inpatient days, they had a November Birthday Party for all the inpatient kids with a November birthday, so she snuck in on that one, and now she'll be there until the few days before Christmas, and I have a feeling she'll get a visit sometime during that time from a man in a red suit.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see she's progressing. If there's one thing I've gathered about Bobbi since she's come home, it's that she is one determined girl! I can tell she works as hard as she can, because she has goals and dreams and I know she was just waiting and waiting and waiting before she came home for a chance to realize some of them. I am inspired by her. I really hope 2019 brings her so much more mobility and independence.

    In the short term, I hope she gets those visits from a fat guy with some gifts while shes inpatient! LOL
