Monday, December 17, 2018

So close...and yet so far

I've made a quilt for each of my children - Owen's was made and hanging on the side of his crib rail for months before he was born. Leah's was started before she was born, but then not finished until after Reuben arrived two years later, and by then, I decided I wanted to make her a more girly one, so I finished hers for Reuben and made a more flowery one for Leah. Since then, I've managed to plug away, and each of the kids has gotten their special quilt - not big enough for a bed or anything, but big enough to wrap up in. But when Gloria was born mere weeks after committing to Bobbi and Mira's adoptions, things kind of fell apart on the quilting front!

My goal was to have at least Bobbi's done before she got home.

I didn't. You can see a photo of it in process from this post from nearly two years ago. Since then, I've made progress on Mira's, and somehow managed to finish Gloria's (which was started first of the three), but Bobbi's still isn't done.

I'd thought I'd have it done before she came home from her surgery.


And now I still have this crazy idea that I'll get it done enough for her to at least use before she comes home this Thursday - I have all of the quilting on the black portion done (finished up while giving Rinnah her math lesson this afternoon), and although the colored "feathers" should be quilted, too, I could do that after the fact. Tonight I trimmed the edges, so now I just need to put the binding on.

Just the binding. Which I still have to pick out and cut and ...

But maybe, just maybe, I could have this on Bobbi's bed by Thursday???

And if not Thursday, then maybe in late January in honor of her being home for two years. 😋

And then I can get back to work on Mira's. And Eben's.

I just looked at Matt's photos from today, but I think I'll see if he wants to take a shot at telling about them in a post since I'd just be making things up! He decided to stay down there all day today, and will try to come home to see the rest of us (and get his things done here that need to be done) during the day tomorrow, as Bobbi has visitors coming at both lunch time and supper, so he can be home without her needing to be alone...


  1. It was only when I crocheted a baby blanket this spring (for a friend who was due in August but I was seeing in person in March) that Gwen commented that I never made HER a baby I did it over summer, not quite 7 years late.

    You're doing fine! :)

    1. Well, that just means she got to have some input, right? Seven years isn't all that bad in my book. :) But I'm glad she's got one. Owen still sleeps with the one you made for him!

  2. Have been following for a while...always amazed at what you and your husband are able to do, what you choose to do, and the amount of work involved to get it done.... Then I see the words “quilts for all my children...”. And my mind reels! 😂😂 You are amazing!! Love reading about the progress and the challenges, always remembering to pray for you all. Thanks so much for sharing.
