Wednesday, May 21, 2014

And yet more paint

Evania is one month old today!
And that means its been a while since we've done any painting, but yesterday and today with my cousin's wife, Krista, here with us, things are moving forward on that front again! My cousin is out of town for business this week, and Krista offered to drive the 2.5 hours to our house to help out in whatever way she could. And she has! Taking Reuben outside, making supper, washing dishes, and painting! (I just re-read what I've written and realize I used many exclamation points. Can you tell I'm excited that she's been here?)

Yesterday Krista, Matt, and Reuben wiped down all of the walls...
...which meant that last night Matt and Krista were able to prime the main level (not the link, though, yet)...
...and then this morning, while Reuben's buddy Faith was here, Krista and I were able to paint the front part of the new living room.
And, yes, that's Evania helping! Around here, everyone's got to pull their weight, or nothing is going to get done. ;)
I don't have photos, but tonight Matt and Krista are doing the first coat on the ceiling. 

Days like these are so encouraging that maybe someday this work will be done and life will "settle down" (ha ha!) a bit again. But I am also convinced that Evania was born the day after Easter so I would have ears to hear one specific tiny part of our pastor's sermon that Easter morning. I can't even remember if it was a significant point of the whole, but when he talked about "wavering in unbelief" (Romans 4:20) it hit me right where I needed to be hit. I'd spent the last week or so prior to that becoming increasingly despondent about how long this baby was taking to arrive, and Saturday was a particularly low day. Matt tried to encourage me with the truth that all things are in God's hands, but I didn't want to hear it that day. Something about the way our pastor spoke that Easter morning made me realize that "wavering" is not simply a going back and forth between believing and not believing, but that wavering is simply a form of unbelief and nothing more. Either I believe that God is in complete control of when and how things happen in this world, or I don't. It's not a back and forth deal. Being brought to that point has made me much more aware of the fact that how I approach this addition is simply that, too. Either I believe that God is still in control of when and how this addition comes to completion, or I don't.

So I am once again choosing deliberately choose to believe that he is! And having made that choice, getting to see progress becomes all the more sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Finally! You have a hairless baby! (At least, compared to Rinnah. ;) )
