Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The view from here

Because Evania is such a good helper (and because Krista was here so I didn't have to be chasing after Reuben for a little while this afternoon!), Krassi and Evania and I were able to get my small window box planted today.
This boy L-O-V-E-S being outside. I know this because he sobs - body-shaking, tears-streaming sobs - almost every time that I carry him back into the house after spending time outside.

Hopefully later this week I will have time to post an update on how he's doing now that he's been home for seven months. We both know him so much better than we did seven months ago, but also have a greater understanding of how much more there is to learn about our oldest son.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he and Gwen would get along fine! (The whole-body-sobbing-tantrums when I announce it's time to go inside are becoming less frequent, but they still happen...)
