Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mr. D

Krassi has a real appreciation for small stuffed toy animals that fit "just right" (he knows what that is) into his dominant hand. If it's a really good one, we know because he chews on it.

Earlier this summer, one of his cousins picked up a family of five mice for us - one for each of the kids, including Krassi, even though he wasn't home yet. Now that Krassi's home, he's discovered that the mouse is one of the "just right" ones. ;) (Cousin Z, if you're reading this, you'll notice that Krassi has the one you had marked for Reuben - somehow they were both laying around the living room, and Krassi latched onto the gray one, and, well, we decided to let him keep that one -  you'll see why. Thankfully Reuben doesn't really have a sense of personal ownership for most of the things that are his, so he's fine with a brown mouse.)

Krassi's mouse now has a name. Mr. D. is short for "Mr. Disgusting." ;) He will chew and chew and chew on that thing - all four legs get a turn, and even the nice pointy nose goes in - the only place any of the rest of us are really okay with holding is the tail, which apparently doesn't have enough heft to be worth chewing! We'll see how long Mr. D holds up. ;) In the meantime, Krassi is pretty happy with his new friend.

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