Thursday, November 7, 2013

ups and downs

Krassi did make it all through the night last night without waking.

Today was a day full of ups and downs for him emotionally. He again took great pleasure in his time with Lori. I think about how after 8 years of nearly complete neglect, the introduction of physical therapy into his life last fall in his orphanage was a very positive experience for him. His therapist at the orphanage (who I have met twice) was very sweet and caring toward him, and we could tell that he enjoyed his time with her.

His afternoon was mostly pretty typical (happy, contented play on the floor with mom and siblings around), though again today he went through an unprovoked stretch where he was increasingly unhappy to the point where he was crying loudly with tears running down his face. Tonight we're once again past the point where he woke up those two nights earlier this week, and I'm nearly certain that he was doing his emotional processing/grieving while he was awake again like he did yesterday. But again, as much as it's tough to see him go through that, I am expecting it (and more of it!) and they are great opportunities to me to be as close to him as he will let me be.

And we had good times today, too. He continues to surprise me with his level of inquisitiveness and the delight he takes in exploring new things. Toward the end of the afternoon (so after his difficult stretch) he pulled himself over to a 3-ring binder that was on the floor from when I was sorting Owen's school papers earlier. [He is not exactly "mobile" but can get around a little bit by dragging himself by his arms.]
What's this?

Hey, Mom, look what I found!

I like to feel it with my fingers

And I like to taste it, too!! [Krassi will frequently run his index finger (hard) against something, then put the finger into his mouth, and then repeat half a dozen times. He's done it to the floor, the couch, this binder, my face, the wall at church (when we were standing at the side instead of sitting in the pew). It doesn't seem like a very effective way to learn about one's world, but apparently he's gotten mileage out of it in the past. I think of a little boy stuck in his crib days and weeks and years on end, and reaching that arm through and out was his only access to point to something outside of those four small "walls."]

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