Monday, November 25, 2013


I just went in to make sure Krassi was covered up for the night, and was thrilled to see that not only was he still covered with the one I had put on when I laid him down, but he had pulled a corner of the new one he was given today over onto himself!

This is neat to see. When he first came home, he would not tolerate a blanket at all, and I could not cover him up until he was sound asleep. (When you live in a 1939 home in Minnesota you need blankets in the winter!) By morning, the covers were off, but usually only recently because he was still warm, and really is a good sleeper at night.

Starting about two weeks ago I've been able to cover him when I lay him down and he's still awake, and usually it got pushed down off his upper body, but only needed to be re-tucked after he fell asleep.

So seeing him all snuggled in, and some of it self-initiated was pretty neat. I've also noticed that when I go in to check on him he's often on his side with his legs curled up a bit - looks pretty cozy. When we first picked him up, he had a much more rigid, linear position.

But no pictures because I'm still not quite brave enough to use the flash when I have two boys sleeping in there! ;)

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