Sunday, October 7, 2018

In the thick of it

The battle here is only partly physical. All of the spiritual battles that have been ebbing and flowing over the year and a half since she came home are in the forefront. Last night was a very difficult night resulting in a 911 call around 4:30am. So, I could have also titled this post, "She's home, again."

Of course, strong pain meds don't help any of that.

We're grateful for the reinforcements that came in response to an email I sent to our pastor this morning. ("We need help. Can you find someone to come over?") Matt is getting some sleep after one hour of sleep two nights ago and 15 minutes last night.

This is devoid of details, because I'm limited on time, but want to encourage all of you to keep praying that would we continue to live in gratitude to the God, our God, who has designed all of this for all of us.

ADDED: I realize that in my sleep-deprived state I failed to mention in this post that the 911 call resulted in a transport to the Emergency Department and a swap of medications. It was not a fun time.


  1. You have such a struggle. I pray you've heard of RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder). It's not something you can plan for, nor something Bobbi can control.

    I'm praying for all of you. Please reach out if you need more info on RAD or support.
