Monday, October 8, 2018

Party in Bobbi's room

Here Owen is holding "Dumbleman" or "Batmore" depending on the moment. The large Batman plastic figure that Bobbi got in the hospital was holding her Dumbledore wand that she received for her birthday last year. Laughter truly is an amazing medicine!
Everyone's glad to have Bobbi home again (again), and definitely in a better place as far as pain management and mood. Leah was her self-appointed nurse and confidante today, and hardly came out of her room. They talked together about all sorts of things...and Leah got a little bit of her home school work done, too. But honestly, knowing that Bobbi had someone in there keeping her company and distracted, and could come find us any time Bobbi needed something made the day go smoothly for everyone.

Thanks to all of you who are praying for us.

Today we got some more regular food into her, got all three rounds of her CPM machine (which moves her knee, gradually increasing from 30 degrees to start up to 90 degrees by the time the casts come off), and even got to try moving her to a prone position during an impromptu visit from her favorite physical therapist, Lori. It was really nice to have someone who knows what they're doing helping us with that first attempt at prone! Bobbi also got a mid-day visit from one of her occupational therapists who only had a half day of work. I tell you, we've got some really great people over at that therapy center!

Gearing up for night time here, and hoping for a repeat of LAST night, where all three of us (Bobbi, Mom, Dad) got some decent chunks of sleep in between meds and watching you tube videos (at Bobbi's request), to encourage some important 2:30 in the morning. Yup.


  1. Hi Andrea - I read every post, but don't comment often. I'm happy to hear that things are easing up a bit. Seeing the photos of Bobbi in her very own bedroom, surrounded by her sisters and brothers made me smile. They obviously love her. And, she appears to love them, too.
    Know that I have been praying for all of you and will continue to do so. Glad that your family has a church family and your friends in the medical field who step up to help out when you need them! Hoping that some needed sleep was had last night!

  2. I love Bobbi's hair! It was the cut I wanted for myself at her age, but never had the courage to go through with. She must be brimming with confidence in herself and her beauty inside and out

    1. There's a different read on the hair that is more appropriate, but suffice it to say that she can sure pull it off! It suits her.
