Thursday, October 25, 2018

Room to breathe

Things around here are still at a level that I hope is not our new normal, but the crisis of Bobbi's first week out of the hospital is definitely past. She is getting comfortable enough that I can move her with the help of one of the older kids (Owen or Leah) instead of always needing two adults, and preferably one of them being male (taller and stronger than me!)

I've taken a slightly different approach to our home school this year. I have the entire year planned out day by day. Well, I guess not entirely, as in, I don't have every single Bulgarian language lesson planned out - we take that as it comes - but all of the core subjects (math, English grammar) are scheduled for the entire school year, and with that, I've scheduled in days for things that we always want to do, but don't usually make happen because it takes a degree of advance planning that I can't always justify. But this year, once a month, we have a Field Trip day on the calendar, and for October's field trip day which happened earlier this week, we hiked around Pike Island (which lies where the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers join).

And what does this have to do with everything going on lately? Well, simply, that Bobbi and Mira are both doing well enough that Matt and I were comfortable leaving them both with Rose and a number to text our neighbor who lives behind us in case Bobbi needed to change position while we were gone.

So, while the level of care that our children are requiring of us these days is still all-consuming, and then some, there's also just a touch of breathing room that lets us take days like you see above where we can enjoy the freedom of doing something out of the ordinary with the others. (On this particular day, Krassi was at school, so we took Owen, Leah, Rinnah, Evania, Gloria, Eben...and at the last minute, Reuben, too, since he'd had enough seizures the night before to miss the first half of school, and was doing well enough that instead of dropping him at school on our way to the island, decided to just bring him with us.)

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