Friday, October 19, 2018

Stir crazy

There are only so many variations to "lay on your back," "lay on your tummy, "sit in your chair," "sit in your wheelchair" that we can come up with, and the lack of easy mobility means that even though Bobbi tends to love holding out alone in her room, there can also be (way) too much of a good thing. Today the weather was amazing, so we went for a walk down to the bank a half mile away to deposit a check for Grandma and so Bobbi could enjoy their free coffee. ;)
I'm sure we were quite the sight parading down the street! Our house, on the frontage road to a small state highway, is not exactly a private road. We started out with me, Bobbi, Gloria, and Eben, but added three more (Leah, Rinnah, Evania), as they passed us after coming back from an outing with a neighbor. But what a great day to be out!

Eben, however, found it to be a great chance to pick up one more nap before bedtime.
Later this evening we went even crazier, and rolled Bobbi two houses down to our neighbors where we managed to lift her chair up one step onto their large front porch, and then just bump it up through their door for a visit inside!
There's nothing like a night out in new surroundings with a cat! to help break up the day.

There's a long way yet to go with the complete immobilization, and then rehab, which is going to be just as long of a road, if not longer - getting the casts off will be huge, but then comes the real work of building back up muscles that have atrophied during recovery, and of learning how to communicate with muscles, tendons, nerves, bones, that are all in different places than they used to be. I anticipate many, many challenges with frustration, and repeated opportunities to practice fixing our eyes on the goal to give strength for the work of the day.

But I think it's going to be worth it!

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